Ruth Jones

Founder and Leader



I graduated with a BMUS from Cardiff University in 2012. I worked as a violin and piano tutor in Caerphilly County Music Service for eight years, delivering music tuition to many schools, primary and comprehensive, around the county. I realised I wanted to use music in a different way and went on to study a Masters in Music Therapy for three years while I continued to work for the music service. I graduated with an MA in 2021.

During my study I gained three years of clinical work as a Music Therapist. I was a member of staff within the NHS Arts Therapies department. I have also worked in schools within the SEBD (Social Emotional Behavioural Difficulties) and SSD (Special Education) departments. Since my studies I have gained experience as a practising therapist working in schools, care homes and working with clients privately.

We use music every day and don’t realise its impact on us. We listen to music when we are angry, sad or happy. We use it to remember our loved ones when they are no longer with us. You don’t have to be a musician to have music therapy that is my job. With my skills as a musician and now as a psychotherapist I am able to interpret and safely guide you through your use of expression. I follow the holistic approach to therapy therefore it is completely client lead nothing happens without your say so.

I have had my own struggles with mental health as many people have. I struggled for many years to find the right therapy that worked for me and often had to fight for it. However once I found the best therapy for me I was able to rewrite the stories I was told about who I was and what I was capable of. It is because of this that I wanted to become a therapist myself to help those who struggle as I did.

I will always fight for what is rightfully yours, your health, mind body and soul.
